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Breast Augmentation

in Boston

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Breast Augmentation At Clareo Plastic Surgery

Many women experience a point in their lives where the way they feel about their reflection in the mirror does not match the spark they feel on the inside. If you feel that the size or shape of your breasts is impacting your confidence, the Clareo Plastic Surgery breast augmentation procedure could be the perfect solution to help you rediscover your self-esteem and radiance.

Clareo’s board-certified surgeons, Dr. Michael Tantillo and Dr. Christopher Lee, offer exceptional breast augmentation procedures with unparalleled expertise. Our highly skilled plastic surgeons are committed to delivering top-tier aesthetic results tailored to your unique needs. Experience personalized care and meticulous attention at Clareo Plastic Surgery in Boston. We take the time to understand your individual preferences and goals, ensuring that your breast augmentation procedure is customized for stunning, transformative results.

Breast Augmentation

What Is A Breast Augmentation?

Augmentation Mammoplasty or breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to increase the breast size in women.
The most common approach involves placing breast implants under your breast tissue or chest muscles to enhance the appearance of your breasts. Another method called fat transfer breast augmentation or fat grafting can also be used where fat from another part of the body is moved to the breasts. Many patients want to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. Some patients opt for breast augmentation after having children to address uneven, misshapen, or asymmetrical breasts due to breastfeeding. Along with implants, other procedures, including a breast lift or excess skin removal, can be performed at the same time. This allows for comprehensive breast rejuvenation, seamless results, and a single recovery period.

Breast Augmentation Before & Afters


Benefits Of A Breast Augmentation

While each woman’s reasons for considering breast augmentation are unique, the positive results are universal, and our patients’ goals often include:

Benefits of a breast lift at Clareo Plastic Surgery in Boston

The Clareo Experience:

Am I A Good Candidate For Breast Augmentation?

Women seeking Breast Augmentation come from all backgrounds, have body types in all shapes and sizes, and express various aesthetic preferences. Being a good candidate for breast augmentation requires good physical health, with no active infections or serious illnesses. Also, the procedure cannot be performed if the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding. Candidates with sagging, flattened, elongated, asymmetrical breasts, or those lacking cleavage or volume are often excellent candidates. Realistic expectations and understanding the risks are crucial.
There is no perfect age to get a breast augmentation. It is a personal decision that should be made after consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon. That said, in order to ensure that breast tissue is fully developed, the FDA states that mammoplasty procedures should not be performed on patients younger than 18 years of age when using saline implants and 22 for silicone implants.
As with any surgery, there is a slight risk of complications like infection or anesthesia-related concerns. However, you are in very skilled hands at Clareo, and complications are extremely rare. Some side effects from your surgery may include bruising and swelling, but they are temporary and typically resolve without intervention.
We consider all these factors when presenting our patients with the multitude of breast augmentation options available.
Clareo Plastic Surgery in Boston office 2
Clareo Plastic Surgery in Boston office 3

Consultation And Preparation

During your initial consultation for a breast augmentation Boston plastic surgeons at Clareo Plastic Surgery will carefully review your health history and aesthetic goals and discuss details about the surgery and recovery. Additionally, a comprehensive health examination is performed for all breast augmentation patients. All patients must be aware of the risks and responsibilities associated with breast implants to ensure this procedure is right for them.

Customizing Your Breast Augmentation

We understand that every patient has particular needs and preferences, and it’s our goal to ensure that your Breast Augmentation delivers amazing results.
Part of your breast augmentation consultation will include revolutionary technology called Crisalix 3D Imaging. This brilliant planning aid allows us to show you what your results could look like without ever going under the knife. It will enable us to fine-tune your look before surgery, so we know how to customize your procedure for optimal results.
During your consultation, we will discuss every possible option, including:
Breast Implant Size
Choosing the right breast implant size is crucial for achieving the desired appearance and proportions. Your breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (cc) rather than cup sizes. Generally, around 200 to 225 cc’s will increase your breasts by 1 cup size. Our surgeons can help you decide how many cc’s are right for you based on your body type and goals. Size change is usually the starting point, and other decisions are made based on this.
During your consultation, our surgeons will guide you in selecting the appropriate implant size based on your body type and goals. Size change serves as a starting point, with other decisions made accordingly. By relying on our surgeons’ expertise and considering factors like chest dimensions and desired outcome, you can make an informed choice for a natural, balanced result.
Types of Implants
After the desired size is determined, other features of your implants will be discussed to decide which options will work best to achieve your particular aesthetic goals.
Silicone vs Saline: The next step in choosing breast implants is to decide between saline and silicone breast implants. Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. They’re usually less expensive than silicone, and your body safely absorbs the solution should they leak.
Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. They tend to be more expensive than saline but look and feel like natural breasts. If a silicone implant leaks, the gel may stay inside the implant shell or leak into your breast tissue. An additional type of silicone implant is referred to as a “gummy bear” implant because of its form-stable texture, which will not leak even if the shell ruptures. When it comes to feel, most people say silicone implants feel more like natural breasts than saline.
Fat Transfer: Also known as fat transfer breast augmentation, this is an innovative approach that uses a micro fat grafting technique to use unwanted fat from areas such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs to enhance the size of the breasts for a natural end result with no need for foreign material. Liposuction is used to remove the extra fat, which is then prepared and transferred to the breasts using a cannula. Our doctors use a refined, meticulous approach to help minimize the risk of contour irregularities for a beautiful, natural-looking result.
Smooth vs Textured: Breast implants have an outer silicone shell that can be either smooth or textured. A smooth texture allows the breast implant to move freely and is typical of round implants. While all anatomically shaped implants are textured (to prevent rotation), round implants can have either a textured or smooth shell.

Research has shown that textured implants have a lower risk of capsular contracture – a complication that occurs when scar tissue forms around the implant and distorts the implant shape; this risk reduction is greatest when the implant is placed above the muscle. The risk of capsular contracture is similar among smooth and textured implants when placed below the pectoralis major muscle.

Teardrop vs Round: Breast implants can be round or anatomically shaped. Round is the most commonly chosen implant, although anatomical or teardrop implants have become more popular in recent years. Both types of breast implants have benefits and drawbacks. Round implants offer more fullness in the breast’s upper portion, enhancing the look of cleavage. They can also move freely in the breast pocket, and because they are circular, they won’t distort the breast shape.
Anatomical implants have a ski-slope look that provides more fullness at the base of the breast. Women who choose this type of implant do so because the implant shape mimics the natural upward curve of the breast. However, if the implant rotates or moves in the breast pocket, the breast shape can be affected and may look irregular. For this reason, anatomical breast implants have a textured shell to prevent them from moving.
High, Moderate, and Low Profile: The profile of your breast implant is essentially how far the implant projects from your chest. With the same volume, low or moderate profile implants will be wider, flatter, and closer to the chest, while high profile implants will be more narrow and taller. The optimal profile choice often comes into play when considering your frame. For example, women with a narrow rib cage may choose a higher profile to get the volume they want without their breasts ending up wider than their ribs.
Breast Implant Placement

Your breast implants can be placed in front of or behind the chest (pectoralis major) muscle. The size and type of breast implant you choose, as well as your incision locations and the amount of breast tissue present, will factor into which option is best for you.

Subglandular Placement: Implants placed directly under the mammary gland but over the muscle and subfascial tissue are positioned above most of the breast tissue and the pectoralis muscle. The benefit of this technique is that there’s no cutting of the muscle, which results in a faster, easier recovery. However, this is not always a good option for women with little existing breast tissue because the risk of wrinkling is higher.

Subfascial Placement: This placement is very similar to subglandular, but the implant is placed deeper into the subfascial tissue. It is still above the pectoral muscle. This means no muscle is cut, which allows for faster recovery, and with more tissue coverage than subglandular, and it can prevent concerns such as implant distortion or edge visibility.

Submuscular Placement: Submuscular placement is the deepest implant location and puts the implant below the pectoralis major muscle. Our surgeons also offer a “dual plane” approach that releases the pectoralis muscle from the chest wall resulting in a pocket that is partially under the muscle and partially under the breast gland. This creates a pocket for the implant and provides a very natural-looking result. However, this technique is more invasive and can make recovery more intense.
Breast Implant Incisions
Our surgeons can place your breast implants through multiple different types of incisions. All options provide discreet scarring so that your results look as natural as possible. Which incision location is right for you will depend on your personal preference, breast size and shape, and the type of implant you select.
Inframammary: The most common type of incision used in a mammoplasty is called an inframammary incision. It’s made in the crease where your breast meets your chest. This incision allows for full access under the muscle and for larger implant sizes. An inframammary incision leaves a scar that’s usually hidden by your breast.
Transaxillary: Transaxillary incisions are made in or very close to the armpit, meaning there is no scarring on the breasts. Using very small endoscopic incisions, the implants are then guided into the breasts.
Areolar or Periareolar: The periareolar incision is made along part or most of the line around the areola, which leaves a scar that blends very well into the skin once fully healed. This type of incision is very precise and can be reused for future revisions if needed.
Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA): Trans-umbilical incisions are made in the belly button, and the implant is then guided all the way up to the breasts under the skin. Typically only saline implants can be used with this type of incision, but it leaves no scarring on or near the breasts.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Clareo doctors perform Breast Augmentation using general anesthesia because it relaxes the muscles, decreasing bleeding and the risk of capsular contracture. Breast pocket symmetry is also better when the muscles are relaxed. Your surgery takes about an hour; however, if you have additional procedures such as a breast lift, tummy tuck, or liposuction, your surgery may take up to four hours.

Our doctors use advanced suturing techniques to ensure your breast augmentation scars are as fine and discreet as possible. After placing the implants and closing the incisions, our medical staff closely monitors your recovery to determine when you are ready to return home. Our patients typically leave an hour after the procedure ends and only need OTC meds for pain control.
If you also want to correct sagging breasts or breast ptosis, you may want to consider including a breast lift with your augmentation, which can improve the position of your breasts and make them look perkier, which is not addressed with augmentation alone.

Breast Augmentation Results

After your breast augmentation surgery, you will see an immediate increase in breast size. However, it may take six months to a year for your breasts to settle into their final position. During this time, your breasts may feel firmer and have a different shape as your body adjusts to the presence of the implants.

A process known as “dropping and fluffing” typically occurs, with the skin stretching and muscles relaxing, gradually moving the implants from a higher position to a more natural placement. This process usually begins around six weeks post-surgery, with the implants being close to 80% settled at three months.
Your final results will see breasts that are larger, higher, and fuller. By achieving a more proportionate figure and experiencing a positive impact on your self-image, breast augmentation can provide a transformative effect, allowing you to embrace your appearance with improved self-confidence.
For most women, the results of breast augmentation surgery will last 10-15 years or longer. However, it is not considered permanent, and new implants are typically required after this amount of time. In the case of fat transfer, since this is a natural implant, it is permanent. However, you will experience the normal effects of aging, such as sagging skin.
Breast Augmentation at Clareo Plastic Surgery in Boston

Breast Augmentation Recovery

While recovery is gradual and different activities can be resumed along the way, most women are not completely recovered and back to normal until about 8-10 weeks after surgery. Since this procedure is performed under general anesthesia, you will need someone to drive you home and assist you for about 24 hours until the effects of the sedatives have worn off.
After your breast augmentation surgery, you’ll probably feel groggy and sore. You’ll have dressings over your incisions, and you may have drains in your breasts to remove excess blood and fluid, but this is only in some cases. You may have some swelling, bruising, or numbness around your incisions, but this should go away within a few weeks. You’ll need to take it easy for a few days after your surgery. You shouldn’t lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for at least six weeks. Depending on your circumstances, you may be given specific instructions on when to return to your normal activities. Most patients take one to two weeks off from work after the surgery. The surgeon will make every effort to hide your breast augmentation scars in natural folds and creases. After your surgery, your scars will be pink and slightly raised. They’ll eventually fade and flatten, but they’ll never completely disappear. Which type of incision you receive will determine the size of your scars, but they are typically very small and not noticeable once fully healed. They should all be hidden by clothing or even in a bikini. If you’re concerned about scars, talk to your surgeon about your options before surgery.
Nipple sensation is usually not permanently affected. However, you may experience a short-term change in sensation (which could be either heightened or lessened) that typically returns to normal within a few months. If your implants are placed underneath your chest muscle, you may have slightly less sensation in your nipples for longer.
It is vital you give your body ample time to heal from surgery. Undue pressure on your breasts before they are adequately healed may affect your overall result. We recommend at least two to three weeks of sleeping on your back and slightly elevated before returning to side sleeping or longer for stomach sleeping.
The results of the fat grafting technique can be more subtle than with an implant breast augmentation. It is an ideal approach for anyone interested in liposuction who also wants a modest increase in chest size. Because liposuction is performed simultaneously, you’ll enjoy the added benefit of a slimmer, sleeker physique. The dual recovery usually includes a few weeks of downtime. Your final results will appear gradually over the course of several weeks or months. While most of the transferred fat will survive, some won’t. But the fat that does survive is permanent. Please take a look at our comprehensive Breast Augmentation Post-Op Instructions.

How Much Does A
Breast Augmentation Cost?

Your surgical treatment plan is uniquely tailored to you. Therefore, for our patients in Boston breast augmentation cost will differ for each patient based on the methods and techniques used. On average, the procedure starts from 9,500, though individual prices will vary.
During your consultation, you will receive pricing information, and our medical staff will assist you with further payment information. Clareo Plastic Surgery offers payment and financing plans for your convenience.
Harvard-trained Boston plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Tantillo

Why Choose Clareo Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Michael Tanillo is a master of his craft and genuinely cares about your aesthetic goals. 

Dr. Tantillo and the team at Clareo believe that hearing the needs and preferences of our patients is equally as important as expertise and training when it comes to positive results. Clareo Plastic Surgery strives to deliver the best breast augmentation New England has to offer and serves patients from all over the Boston area, including Newton, Brookline, Needham, MetroWest, and more.

Schedule Your Boston, MA, Breast Augmentation Consultation at Clareo Plastic Surgery Today

Schedule online now or call us today at (617) 505-6818. Get the look and feel you want for your body, and take the first step toward the bustline you’ve been waiting for!

Now’s the perfect time to look and feel your best.

Serving the Greater Boston Area with Two Locations in Fenway and Chestnut Hill. Request a consultation at our Chestnut Hill Location Today.
At Clareo Plastic Surgery, our cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.
Clareo Plastic Surgery

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