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Neck Lift

in Boston, MA

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Sculpting A Beautiful Neck And Jawline

in an aesthetic surgery center that places the utmost importance on quality, safety, and service.

Bothered by jowls, a turkey neck, neck bands, or excess chin fat? The good news is there is a way to address these issues. Recapture your former youthful appearance with a neck lift (platysmaplasty) performed by aesthetic surgeons that place the utmost importance on service, safety, and results.

Neck Lift At Clareo Plastic Surgery

Our Boston neck lift surgery at Clareo Plastic Surgery allows patients to attain a more toned neck and jawline. This procedure is ideal for patients with an aging neck or a double chin. Our renowned surgeons, Dr. Michael Tantillo and Dr. Chris Lee, are known for their refined surgical outcomes and uncompromising patient care. Rejuvenate your neck at Clareo Plastic Surgery today!

What Is A Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a facial cosmetic surgery that corrects age-related changes to the neck, including lax skin, creasing, excess fat, prominent jowls, and visible muscles. These issues tend to crop up after age 40 when the skin and underlying soft tissues have lost their former firmness and elasticity. In addition to excess skin, wrinkles, and neck bands, many people also develop submental fat that accumulates beneath the chin, ultimately causing a loss in jawline definition. With neck lift surgery, patients can regain a tight, sculpted neck and jawline that look dramatically younger.

Neck Anatomy 101

A neck lift is not just skin deep. Your neck is divided into separate layers, including the superficial plane, intermediate plane, and deep plane. Our surgeons will make a recommendation regarding the type of neck lift you need based on where you display signs of aging.

The Superficial Plane

Under your skin lies a padding of subcutaneous fat. The fatty layer varies in thickness among different individuals. Factors such as genetics and a person’s current weight may cause some people to store more subcutaneous fat in the neck and chin than others. Volume in the superficial plane is usually concentrated directly under the chin and may extend down onto the platysma muscle. During a neck lift, our surgeons may perform liposuction or direct excision to eliminate these fat deposits, leaving the neck slimmer and beautifully defined.

The Intermediate Plane

If you see two vertical bands running down your neck when you look in the mirror, what you are actually noticing is a common age-related change in the intermediate, or middle plane, of your neck. Vertical neck lines typically indicate the platysma muscle and surrounding ligaments have weakened and lost tone, both normal facets of aging. The platysma muscle is a broad sheet of muscular tissue that is divided into two long strips. The muscle extends from the SMAS in the cheeks and down the front of the neck, where it divides into two long strips and terminates at the clavicles, or collarbones. In addition to the platysma muscle and ligaments, the intermediate plane also includes fat that lies between the two halves of the platysma muscle. During a traditional neck lift, our surgeons reshape the intermediate plane by adjusting the soft tissues and applying sutures to tighten the platysma muscle.

The Deep Plane

The deepest plane in your neck includes submuscular fat, which lies under the platysma muscle. It also includes the submandibular glands, which are located near the back of your jawbone, and the digastric muscles, part of a muscle group that aids in chewing and speaking. Our surgeons offer a more extensive procedure known as a deep plane neck lift, which goes a step beyond a standard neck lift by addressing the deepest structures in the neck.

Deep Plane Neck Lift

While a traditional neck lift often entails liposuction, some patients have deep fat deposits that are out of reach of the liposuction cannula. They may also have prominent neck glands or enlargement of the fleshy part of the digastric muscles, giving the neck a bulky appearance. A deep plane neck lift may be indicated in these cases. Through small incisions, our surgeons artistically reshape the neck by addressing deep fat deposits, loose skin, muscular changes, and excess glandular tissue.

Mini Neck Lift

Not everyone needs a full neck lift for a great result. A mini neck lift is a less intensive operation that offers a mini result. The procedure is best for patients with a modest amount of excess skin and minimal excess fat. The operation usually only requires a small incision under the chin. Fewer incisions means less scarring. A mini neck lift also has a faster recovery time and may cost less than a full neck lift. Our surgeons will let you know if this is an option for you at your consultation.
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Benefits Of A Neck Lift

After a neck lift, many patients find they can wear more revealing necklines without feeling self-conscious, opening up a whole new world of clothing options.
The surgery also helps to create a sleeker and more defined jawline which can inspire a person to feel more confident when socializing, presenting at work, or having their photograph taken. A neck lift is also a wonderful option for those worried about a double chin, which is often emphasized on Zoom calls and video chats. In summary, a neck lift can have a positive impact on a patient’s appearance and quality of life that makes the expense well worth it.

What can a Neck Lift do for me?

A neck lift in Boston at Clareo Plastic Surgery can treat several aesthetic concerns in one operation.

What can a Neck Lift do for me?

Tightening saggy skin on the neck and jawline gives the neck a more swan-like appearance, most dramatically noticed in profile view.

Diminish Wrinkles and Creases

A neck lift is an excellent way to soften fine wrinkles and horizontal neck lines, sometimes called the ‘rings of Venus.’

Correct Vertical Neck Bands

Vertical neck lines, known as bands, develop when the platysma muscle loses tone and separates between the chin and Adam’s apple. As the neck skin thins and loses elasticity with age, the platysma bands can become more visible, causing a gaunt, aged appearance. Through an incision under the chin, the platysma muscle is tightened with sutures and the bands treated. This technique is known as platysmaplasty or a full neck lift.

Reduce Neck and Chin Fat

A neck lift may incorporate fat removal through liposuction or direct excision. Fat buildup under the chin can be due to genetics, aging, or weight gain. Removing excess volume in this area gives the neck a slimmer appearance and improves the jawline contours.

Am I A Candidate For A Neck Lift?

Anyone with a double chin, turkey neck, jowls, or neck bands may be a candidate for the surgery if they meet certain criteria. Neck lifts aren’t right for everyone. Patients must be in good overall health, both mentally and physically, to be considered. Those that feel ready for a neck lift must also be nicotine-free, not pregnant or breastfeeding, and capable of making medical decisions independently. Individuals with certain mental health conditions such as body dysmorphia may be ineligible. People living with chronic health issues such as diabetes, respiratory disease, cardiovascular problems, or bleeding disorders may not be the best candidates. If you’re interested in finding out if you’d be a good candidate for a neck lift Boston plastic surgeons at Clareo Plastic Surgery can address that and any other questions you have during a consultation. Our expert neck lift surgeons will develop a plan to give you the svelte neck and jawline you deserve.

Cosmetic Issues Treated with a Neck Lift

A neck lift provides comprehensive neck rejuvenation, including the skin, muscles, and fat. While you do not need to have all of the following issues, our surgeons can easily target multiple concerns in one operation:
Neck Lift

Consultation And Preparation

When you come in for your private consultation at Clareo Plastic Surgery, you will have an opportunity to speak with Dr. Tantillo or Dr. Lee about the specific cosmetic issues that bother you most. Our doctors understand that all patients do not age the same way. With this in mind, they will design a bespoke treatment plan that considers your unique anatomical traits and cosmetic goals.
If you are a candidate for a neck lift, they will explain what kind of results you can realistically expect and the surgical technique they plan to use. You’ll also receive a custom price quote and a consent form outlining all the potential risks and complications associated with elective surgery. Rest assured your consultation at Clareo Plastic Surgery will have enough time for you to go over any questions you might have. Our surgeons never rush the process. They want you to feel confident about the choices you make regarding your appearance, and there is no pressure to make an immediate decision. We encourage you to take as much time as you need absorbing all you have learned, talking it over with your loved ones, and then booking your surgery date if and when you feel ready. Preparing for a neck lift may require you to complete lab tests, quit smoking, adjust your medications, or fill new prescriptions at your pharmacy. Please avoid NSAIDs and Vitamin E leading up to your operation, as these can increase the chance of bleeding and bruising. Our office will provide a detailed list of instructions. If you have any questions, we are a phone call away.
While many patients have a nice outcome with a neck lift performed as a solo procedure, others achieve a more comprehensive result by combining services. A neck lift paired with other anti-aging procedures such as a facelift (rhytidectomy), facial liposuction, eyelid surgery,brow liftcosmetic injectables, or non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments can make your entire face and neck appear more youthful, harmonious, and revitalized. Many of these services can take place on the same day. That could mean saving money on anesthesia-related expenses, spending less time in the office, and limiting your downtime to a single recovery period.


You will be placed under general anesthesia or twilight sedation based on the extent of your surgery. The operation usually lasts one to two hours. Your surgeon will place the incisions discreetly to ensure your scars are not obvious once healed. Depending on the type of neck lift, they may place the incision under the chin, behind the ears, or within the hairline. Next, they will reshape the soft tissues to create a more youthful neck for you and remove any excess skin or fat. Your procedure may also include tightening the platysma muscle if you have vertical neck bands. They will then apply fine sutures to close the incisions.
Neck Lift at Clareo Plastic Surgery in Boston

Results, Recovery, And Aftercare

A neck lift is usually a day procedure. However, patients that undergo a neck lift and facelift may need to stay overnight in the surgery center. You may need to arrange a ride home depending on when you are discharged and the type of anesthesia you had.

Compression Dressings

Your surgeon may apply a compression dressing to your neck at the end of your surgery. Compression garments help to optimize skin retraction while reducing swelling post-surgery. You may need to wear the dressing for one to three weeks.

Swelling, Bruising, and Pain Management

Swelling is normal after surgery. You can tame the swelling by vigilantly applying ice or cool compresses for the first three days. The swelling should largely resolve over the next three to four weeks. Bruising may also occur and typically fades within two weeks. Pineapple and arnica can minimize bruising. Your surgeon may also prescribe medication to relieve any discomfort you may be experiencing as you heal.

Suture Removal

Your doctor will remove any sutures approximately one week after your surgery.

Incision Care and Scarring

After removing the sutures, the surgical scars should gradually become softer, flatter, and decrease in redness over time. To ensure the finest scars possible, wear SPF daily, avoid prolonged sun exposure, and do not pick at your incisions as they heal. Scar fading progress happens slowly, often taking several months to a year. The surgical scars may lose the ability to tan and may have a smoother texture than the nearby skin if you look closely. Most patients find that once fully healed, the scars are imperceptible at normal social distances. Your hair may also hide the scars, especially those placed around the ears. There may be a small scar under your chin, which is hidden by the shadow under the jawline.

Returning to Work and the Gym

Expect some downtime after your neck lift. Most patients prefer to remain out of the public eye for ten to fourteen days. Healing should be the focus of your early recovery. Your surgeon may advise you to avoid strenuous activities such as exercise and heavy lifting for approximately four weeks.

Follow-up Appointments with Your Surgeon

Dr. Tantillo or Dr. Lee will monitor you closely after your surgery. You will need to come in for follow-up visits as scheduled. Our surgeons and staff at Clareo Plastic Surgery will be there for you until you make a full recovery and see your results. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our office at any time.

Seeing Your Final Results

Despite the initial swelling and bruising, most patients see immediate improvements that only get better over the next few weeks to months. The results of a neck lift can be dramatic, taking years off a person’s perceived age.

Why Clareo Plastic Surgery?

Our board-certified plastic surgeon and our aesthetics team at Clareo Plastic Surgery come highly rated, as evidenced by glowing online reviews. They have also been honored to win the Patients’ Choice Award, Top 10 Doctor, and Real Self Top Doctor, among other accolades. Despite their accomplishments, our surgeons never rest on their laurels. They strive to continuously refine their surgical techniques and offer warmth, compassion, and personalized care to every patient that walks through our doors.

Schedule Your Boston, MA, Neck Lift Consultation At Clareo Plastic Surgery Today

For a more youthful neck and jawline, call Clareo Plastic Surgery at (617) 505-6818 to book your appointment with Dr. Tantillo or Dr. Lee today. We proudly serve patients throughout the greater Boston area.

Neck Lift FAQs

During a neck lift, our surgeons may sometimes need to access the deeper structures in your neck, such as the glands, the digastric muscles, or deep fat that lies under the platysma muscle. This is accomplished through a technique known as the deep plane neck lift, which addresses all three anatomical layers of the neck.
You will not experience any pain during the operation due to the anesthetic. Post-operative discomfort is typically managed with over-the-counter or prescribed medications.
A neck lift is a minor surgery, but it is not free of risks. Complications can occur no matter how skilled the surgeon. Possible adverse effects can include infection, nausea from anesthesia, wound healing issues, fluid buildup at the wound site that needs to be drained, bruising, blood clots, uncontrolled bleeding, and visible scars. Our office will provide you with a full list of possible risks during your consultation. Please review the document carefully and let us know if you have any questions.
Complete recovery can take several weeks, although most patients only need a week or two off of work. Strenuous activities such as vigorous exercise, heavy lifting, straining, or bending are best avoided for the first month.
Neck lift scars are usually located behind the ears, in front of the ear lobes, or under the chin. In most cases, the scars heal to fine lines that are unnoticeable at conversational distances.
While your neck should look several years younger after the surgery, the results are not technically considered permanent. The skin and underlying soft tissues will continue to age.

Most patients start considering a neck lift after age 40, but age is not a disqualification. Undesirable cosmetic changes can show up on the neck whether you are in your 20s or 80s. Therefore, there is really no best age for neck lift surgery.

Mini neck lifts typically cost less than a full neck lift, but the results are usually less dramatic. As a less extensive option, mini platysmaplasty is generally recommended for patients with minor signs of aging.

Neck lifts can accompany many other facial rejuvenation services, both surgical and non-surgical. Some popular options include facelift surgery, blepharoplasty, brow lifts, Botox, dermal fillers, or skin rejuvenation treatments such as FaceTite or microneedling.

The cost of a neck lift varies as it is a highly customized offering. Reach out to our office for a consultation to receive the most accurate price quote.

Most patients pay out-of-pocket. Financing plans may be available to those that qualify.

Now’s the perfect time to look and feel your best.

Serving the Greater Boston Area with Two Locations in Fenway and Chestnut Hill. Request a consultation at our Chestnut Hill Location Today.
At Clareo Plastic Surgery, our cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.
Clareo Plastic Surgery

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